50+ Premium Wallpapers for Dektop & Mobile
Use the stunning super cool wallpapers to level up with Mobile or desktop.
Who does the pack include?
- 50+ Wallpapers
- included for both desktop and mobile
- Cover images
How to use it?
- Purchase the file, once done you will be redirected to a ZIP file
- Download and extract them
- you will find different folders based on categories
- Set as a wallpaper and enjoy
Can I have it for a discounted price?
Yes, its currently on a limited sale where you can get them for a discounted price, once they are sold out the price gets raised.
I'm a student and I cannot afford it, what should I do?
Please feel free to send me a DM(https://twitter.com/BeingMani97), I can help you in purchasing them with the amount you can pay. I offer a 60-70% discount on the product.
Why is this paid?
I have spent literally 2 weeks building this if I got something to manage this. I'll release it as free forever.
How should I contact you in case of any doubts?
You can DM on @beingmani97 on Twitter, I can help you with anything related to design
Can I use it for a personal project?
Yes, for sure, you can build any with this, and don't forget to share it with me if you do so.
- New wallpapers every week
- Various formats of allies, Like Dark mode , Fusion etc.
Lifetime access
If you bought this, you have my heart and thank for supporting me.
you will be notified as a first priority of any updates/new releases.
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50+ Mobile Wallpapers + HD Desktop wallpapers